Building the Choir - attracting naturalists to the world of odonates

David Small

Athol Bird and Nature Club



The Athol Bird and Nature Club has been fortunate to have attracted a wide-ranging cadre of naturalists specializing in many areas of natural history. In this discussion we will follow the chronology of the group's interest in invertebrates and point to potential directions for us in encouraging others to share our enthusiasm for odonates.


Biography: David Small, a lifelong resident of Royalston and Athol, is president of the Athol Bird and Nature Club and actively shares his passion for birds, butterflies and dragonflies through workshops, lectures, and field trips around New England . Focusing on lands of conservation interest, he has organized biological inventories finding and documenting state listed species for the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. He is on the board of several non-profits including: Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust, Millers River Watershed Council, M. R. Greenway, and Mass Watershed Coalition. Working for the Commonwealth of Mass for 28 years, Dave currently serves as Forest and Park Regional Coordinator at Quabbin Reservoir.


Contact Info: Dave Small, 89 Lake Ellis Road , Athol , MA 01331 . Email: